The new cd compilation of the French label
On October 20th in Cologne, on October 21st in Strasbourg!!! Last gigs in Germany and France this year!!! Don't pass that!!!!!!!
OUT NOW!!! Modestadt Düsseldorf (Compilation/Teenage Rebel, Germany)
An ultra nice record review by Fred Skactiviste on Red Forum!
01.10.04: Schwarz auf Weiss new LP "Hurra System!" is out now, feat. Cécilette Wurlee on backing vocals (screams) on "Nero Burning Deutschand"...
DIE POST: Protest to the German mail system here: read this and send your protest mail...
17.08.04: We're going back to the studio next week for new sexy hits!!!
17.08.04: Pictures of August 14th @ Starclub here (all pics by Oldrik Scholz) and there (all pics by Inferno Tommy)
Nearly every Sunday at the Rhine Terrace in Düsseldorf: Curlee Wurlee!/eR fRance football team
plays real football @ 3 PM! Just send an e-mail and check that out.
08.08.04: Yoohoo, the CW! web radio is online!!! Many thanks to
Red Forum's Daffy Doc and super
Nono le Hool for their incredible kindness and patience
(and Nono for his precious webspace!!!) Also check out their web radios, as well as Nono's
Punk Jukebox and
First of all, we don't care for hype, we play what we like. Some of us don't like some of these tracks (ha ha, Rodeo's HC!) but all together, that's our little tiny CW! web radio!!! We also try to "broadcast" local bands, also non English-singing bands (difficult task) and of course, antifa-stuff is always welcome!!!
This radio player is gonna be updated (nearly) every day! note that it is a quite a hard job too, since most of our favourite records are vinyls and we technically can't burn vinyls..., but we're doing our best. (And we will contact all the bands to ask for their ok. If we haven't yet, we apologise, it's just a question of one or two days, thank you!)
If ever you didn't find a song heard in a previous session, just re-start the radio.
You're welcome to let us know your comments here
Brand new page with tour dates of our friends, their releases and more here
Some rumours reported Michael Rodeo and Fruitee Wurlee having been seen playing with eR fRANCE. Rodeo on bass and Cécilette on... keyboards! Ready for even more Frenglish Pop with sexy young Boys'n'Girls?
Sad news in July: Serial Frauke has to leave Curlee Wurlee! because she doesn't manage to take care of her sweet little baby, her job and the band anymore. We are and she is very sad about that, since she founded CW! with Cécile, invested a lot of herself and they spent real good time together. Also all The Wurlees and fans are very sad. However, there are good things in everything and from now on,
she will have more time to dedicate to little Carla and we know that she keeps on rockin'! And we definitely keep in touch - and we're looking forward to playing an adieu gig with her!!! Geri is replacing her and this is quite recomforting, since he is as kind as she is.
First pictures of July weekend in Stuttgart and at the Waldstock festival: here
The first SWAMP ROOM pictures have arrived! With a small report!
Next to Thomas Tornado at the trumpet, the boys of Schwarz auf Weiss play trombone and saxophone on Nino Ferrer's smashin' cover hit "Les Cornichons". We don't know yet where and when it will be released. But there's a cool plan behind it!... more details soon...
This is Sandy from Schwerin, one of your youngest fans and a super sweet girl! Her dad brought her a CW t-shirt on Children Day, short before her 9th birthday!!!
Not only the vinyls have been re-pressed, but we ordered more t-shirts, especially girly shirts which were all already gone... now also available in pink. Check out our shop!
From now on, we will share MICHAEL
together with the Hara Kee Rees. At least as far as the drums as concerned... Hooray for
The first SWAMP ROOM pictures have arrived! With a small report!!!
King Khan's sensational Shrines organised the Kassel gig on May 30th (many thanks to Till and Jennes!), where KING ARMIN had his last gig with us. We spent nearly three beautiful years with him and wish him lots of love and fun in his new life!!!
On May 29th in Hannover, GERI JEEBIE was kinda forced to have his first gig on bass there, but what for a performance! He really managed an ultra cool show, although we had not practiced even once with that line-up, waooo!!! That gig at the Swamp Room Happening was really great, with stage-diving by the audience, unforgettable time spent with The Montesas, ultra nice bands (special hello/thanks to Mutzhi Mambo, Speedball Jr. and Mandra Gora!) and very friendly organisers.
Live for THOMAS TORNADO. Pictures here!
Cécilette is looking for the Little Phil & The Night Shadows's single feat. "60 Second Swinger"!
BOMBER (section "photos" / "new") sent online the pictures of the double sexy sensation Curlee Wurlee! / King Khan on January 30th. He's also looking for some (ghost) writers for gig and record reviews.
The FRENCH TOUR was fantastic! Great people, clubs, bands! Many thanks for everyone who supported us: and a special thank to Wiped Out Yannick, the whole Larsen team, Vincent for standing us four days, all the other Booboos, the Subsonic, Philippe & Co. @ El Mediator in Perpignan, Riri of the BarRocks, Silvana, Olivier and Alex for hosting us in Paris and Montpellier, Jean-Marie, Anna and the other Electric Mormons for cool 60's punk trash and hosting us in Nice, Joelle of Surfing Cow and The Machine à Coudre in Marseille, Thierry and his huge bottle of Leffe, Pierre & Corinne for filming and hosting, Nicole for the yummy lunch, champagne and being Cécile's Mam, King Khan's Jenes for the tour van and many more!!!
We recorded four asskicking tracks at the LARSEN STUDIO in Chambéry. They've been singing the choirs on Rodeo's song to the Booboos (already a hit!) and Axel is gonna mix the whole stuff. Be ready for more rock'n'rolling action! Also a great party this weekend in Leipzig at Thomas' Birthday Party! Our real friends definitely rule!!!
BANZAI! Punkpop Nuggets #1 Compilation Kamikaze Records is out now. We received it yesterday and it really kicks a***s!!! Wonderful 30 tracks CD with the crème de la crème of power pop punk, in a hard paper single format and ultra chic poster inside. Cover art by Fritte! Is that a wonder? Available in our SHOP - just send an e-mail.
The t-shirts have arrived and look sooo chic! Men and girly models in small, medium, large, rose, red, navy and black! NEW: Visit our SHOP!
Our favourite German club - the Beatclub Dessau where people freak out like extra-terrestrial gogo dancers and the only non-commercial club in Dessau where people drive up to 800 km to party at - is supposed to be closed by the authorities very soon. Please, please, please go to the Guestbook of the town Dessau and scream your disappointment. You can also fill in the attached petition!
Who will participate at the Roskilde Festival (DK) this year? Click here and recommend your favourite bands!
STAR AND KEY of the Indian Ocean (amazing surf heroes from France - for those who woulnd't know them) are on tour in April and will present their new record. They're having only one gig in Germany, on April 15th at the Kulturbunker Mülheim in Cologne. They will be supported by The Floozies, sexy 60's garage newcomers from Rockcity n°1, so be there!
Cool Grrrls sampler #2 is out now with 1CD and 16 killer tracks out of 5 countries, all made by grrrls, incl. a Curlee Wurlee! hit.
Order it right now here or soon in our
Same with Wolverine Records' It's not just Girls Fun with a 2 CD-box and 46 smashing bands out of 10 countries! Incl. the first Curlee Wurlee! hit!!!
Michael Rodeo went to Kim Shattuck's little garage auction on eBay and got her lo-fi tambourines for Cécilette, yoohoo! Your favourite organ goddess was jumping all over the flat!!! Now Curlee Wurlee!'s gonna sound like The Muffs? Yeah yeah yeah, woooaaargh!!!
Picture disc "SOS Mesdemoiselles" is now sold out too!
There's a nice article by Sascha under TRIGGERFISH. You can vote a 6 (bottles) and it will stay in the readers' charts.
New pictures here!
Fruitee Wurlee is publishing old pictures of her at FOTO COMMUNITY Have a look! However, it is obviously that she still cannot scan...
BITE BACK Hands off our food! Send out your petition against genetically modified food right now! (in 5 languages!)
We declare the BEATCLUB DESSAU the best German venue of the year 2003 (and probably 2004 and so forth and so on)! Friendliest team, best catering and most dancing and singing audience of the republic!
WANTED: We spent so much money
this year with hiring cars that we could have booked the studio for the next six months. So we
are looking for a private person who'd HIRE his van on weekends, bank
holidays, etc., of course against remuneration. Requested features: 5 seats and
loading space for the instruments (VW-Bus type). Pick-up place:
Düsseldorf, Duisburg, Solingen. Contact: 0179-8505123
ANIMALS CONSTITUTION Don't forget to send your petition!
You're at www.curleewurlee.com