December 10th: Dessau was fantastic again. The venue was sold out and the audience started to dance from the very first second we played (Guitar Rodeo wondered because he doesn't like our intro) and didn't stop until the sun rose. And we met our great friends from Leipzig (Die Tornados) and from Berlin (Kathia, Joe Travolta, Question Mark and Hansi from The Oddz!) It was the first gig since ages with Serial Frauke on bass for the full set. While Judy Jetson was spending cool time too at the Wild Weekend in Spain. Bavaria last week was different but we still had lots of fun, especially with a certain crazy cab driver on speed called Max... if you read us... "Was bist Du mir für'n Klugscheißer?!" And also Guitar Rodeo (him again) who wondered why he got knocked out by a guy in Munich who happened not to be the one he was expecting talking to... oh yeah, and Cécile got electricity in her mouth while Armin the Vermin was repairing his drum kit again.
November 27th: Banzai! Punkpop Nuggets #1 release delayed to February 2004
November 17th: It's not just Girls Fun with Curlee Wurlee's super hit "Pestoonette" (2CD Compilation/Wolverine Records, Germany) comes to the stores too!
November 15th: Banzai! Punkpop Nuggets #1 with Curlee Wurlee's live bomb "Le Climat Tempéré"
(Compilation/Kamikaze Records, Germany) comes in the stores!
WIN A CD: The new BANZAI! compilation will be in the stores in one week. That's the first volume of the POP PUNK NUGGETS and it's gonna kick asses too. The first ten mailing to info@kamikazerecords.de with "PopPunk" as a title might win a CD... Band line-up: Groovie Ghoulies, Sonic Dolls, Curlee Wurlee!, Travoltas, Hawaiians, Reekys, Dee Dee Ramone somewhere and many other pop punk superstars!!!
November 7th: We received today the new release of Not of this Earth and his BOOBOOS! That's an absolute MUST BUY with a**kickin' tracks!!! Gonna send it to the OX fanzine and Soundflat mailorder, make them big over here and some day get the fruits of our seeds!!!...
October 26th: We're back at Wild Wood Studio! Yesterday we've recorded our Michael Rodeo's bombastic Teachers as well as classic and organ'n'drums virtuoso Les Cornichons (Big Nick). We also re-recorded three tracks we already did in the August session but which did not really satisfied us at that time: La Languedocienne, Justine and Teach me how to Shimmy. In total, five hits which will soon stick on your turntable! Today, Isabelle of ER FRANCE will be again our guest musician for sexy Frenglish girly backing vocals!
SHE'S A PEST: We've just seen (today Oct 23rd) that the vinyl version of "She's a Pest" which is actually sold out is to be found at www.ebay.de for 9,99 E starting price. Did you actually know that "She's a Pest" was recorded day by day exactly 35 years after The Who's "My Generation"?...
New surfing release on Greek label Green Cookie: The Start and Key of the Indian Ocean play their "Rock'n'Rol Fiasco"
JOB SEEK: Everybody Curlee Wurlee! We even have little fans who are keen on the job on the drums... Julian from Paris might replace Armin some day!
October 12th: We've got some pictures from the Summer Safari in August! A couple of days ago I sent an e-mail to someone I know a little bit in Belgium in order to check some gigs for another band and... and he sent me the pictures he did at the Charlatan in Ghent... Also Gamasche of The Tornados sent us the pictures of the Beatparade, February of this year.
October 8th: We just received two new BUTTERFLY releases: The Embrooks from England (recorded at the Toe Rag Studio by Liam Watson!... you know, this vintage studio in London... and Liam... this guy who plays the bass with The Bristols, The Masonics, etc.) and The Stoneage Hearts from the USA. As usual for Butterfly, two absolutely "must have" 7"!
October 7th: Berlin was great (although Cécile was sick again) and Leipzig absolutely fantastic, really psychedelic (...) On the third day, we played for the first time with both our bass girls and that ruled! May be there'll be some pictures soon... Rodeo's new hit has been strongly hoorayed and by the way, we're back in the studio in two weeks time with that one and some more.
September 23rd: We're back from France and this page's getting some updates, so stay tuned! (check out the gigs!)
September 1st: We're back from the Summer Safari festival which was absolutely great. There were nice people from all over the country, fantastic bands and real good friends, especially the Beatclub/Tornado team! There'll probably a report on this page in a while, so come back soon!
September 1st: Forget the Zakk-voting. No clue how the bands managed to get sometimes over 1000 voices whithin one day... I mean, I've got a small idea how they did it... anyway, no need to vote in these conditions (what would interest me is who register us for that crap? "Bitte melde Dich!" das war bestimmt gut gemeint!!!) Doesn't matter, there's gonna be more than one cool concert this year, so check out the gigs page.
August 22nd: We were told today that we're in the voting list of the ZAKK for the 3-Tage-Rennen, a kind of "battle of the bands". We didn't know that we were registered there but who cares, that could be a funny gig. So if you want to vote for CURLEE WURLEE!, just surf to www.zakk.de, click "3-Tage-Rennen mit online Voting" and simply vote. Thank you!
August 22nd: That's one of the birthday presents Cécile received from Dirk this year (available in German and French!). A classic of literature by now!
August 22nd: We've recorded nine songs last Saturday at our favourite studio (pictures of the session available soon!), put some voices on it on Sunday and added tiny details on Monday evening. The recorded tracks are: L'essence des Sens / I'll be on you way / La Languedocienne / Meatball / Shimmy / Security / Just out of Reach / Justine / Munster Theme
Scoop: Isabelle of ER FRANCE participated to the background vocals and made really cool (and sometimes funny) things. Isabelle and André - the ER FRANCE duo - are super kind persons and great musicians! Check out their next gigs and releases in the web and presssss!!!
CURLEE WURLEE! interview "try" under ONLINEZINE
Yeah, the Italy tour report is on line here!
August 9th: Super scoop! We have the honour to announce you that
do the artwork of the new Curlee Wurlee long player. After Martin Jablonka from Germany and Darren Merinuk from Canada, another unique
and genuine artist is involved with the phantasmagoric world of Curlee Wurlee. We love his very particular art and you'll love him too!
August 8th: Well, it takes a little bit too much time but the Italy tour report 2003 will be available
next week, I swear. So long, have a look at the
official Piacenza Beat Festival pictures HERE!!!
August 2003, Frauke is back from her baby break; little Carla is super cool and does not mind
sharing her Mum with us! Frauke will record most of the studio tracks and attend some gigs while Judy still attends most of the gigs
and will record some bass tracks. Clever arrangement, isn't it?
July 31st: Curlee Wurlee's mourning today. Especially Rodeo who got the Sexareenos' newsletters
announcing their split. You might remember that we drove especially to The Pit's in Belgium just in order to play together with Les Sexareenos
last year (sometimes
cool to be in a band...) Rodeo's really extremely sad today and guess what's running on the record player tonight?...
There are extremely tragic pictures to view here (click the underlined links, not for sensitive people recommended):
sad, very sad, very
very sad!
We'll be back at the Wild Wood Studio on August 16-17th, at the end of September and in the middle of
October. We're gonna record many new hits, this time not eleven within one days but we'll take two weekends to record some 20 songs and one to mix them
for our new LP (or better, we'd love to do a 10'!)
Anyway, the new CW generation is more beaty than ever, still punky but there'll be some genuine 60's beat tracks, even some groovy souly
songs to make girls and boys dance, as usual a couple of surf-o-mentals, French beat, rock'n'roll and of course many Wurleementals.
Including a couple of cover songs but as usual, most of the tracks are originals.
Don't be afraid of getting incredibly over-excited!
We're playing at Germany's biggest 60's weekender
August 29-30th, 2003 (click the banner for more details!)
NEW: Click Gimmick and just enter your e-mail address if you want to get our newsletters.
The half of Curlee Wurlee!'s looking for a flat in Düsseldorf. Contact: 0179-8505123.
Farfisa Organ "112460-E" (wonderful sound, two-manual, different sounds and drum computer, wooden body, line output, etc. box slightly saturated) and Hammond organ (original but doesn't have the typical Hammond sound, wooden body, quite heavy, for collectors) to sell.
We're on tour in Italy starting from Thursday 19th, we managed to hire a van again and we're very happy to come south, even if it's really hot over here too since one month or two. But that's another kind of warmth. Gianni Fuso kindly arranged most of the dates and we'll stay in Piacenza at the fantastic Beat Festival over the weekend. You can think of us drinking refreshing drinks and having fun with the cool music and friends! And there'll be eight other fantastic sexy frenglish gigs coming around! You'll get some news as soon as we're back. We'll be back around June 30th and by the way, there'll be a complete tour review which won't let you cold. So long, you can send us hello messages in our guestbook. Don't forget we luuuuv you!...
June 7th: Bremen was great! We had a lot of fun and the audience obviously too. At the first encores, Andreas Wolfinger of the Cool Jerks sang "shimmy shake" with us. At the second encores, that was Levi of The Lo-Landers who sang the Zombies' blast "just out of reach". Very nice people (especially a super thank to Lutz for fine DJing and bedding, and to Meatles' Roberto for his lovely mail on the next day!!!), fun all along the way and a huge hangover on the next day...
June 1st: CURLEE WURLEE football game. The amazing Solingen-CW against the Wuppertal Tigers. Pictures already available! Curious? Go there! Second game this summer in Düsseldorf.
May 1st: Probably this year's best gig at the Treibsand in Lübeck. This was absolutely fabulous how everybody was dancing, singing along and obviously enjoying the show! "I wish it could be Lübeck every day again!!!"... May 2nd @ the Tiko was really cool too. And a little wild...
April 23rd: The long awaited Picture EP "SOS MESDEMOISELLES" is now available from our Spanish label and in a couple of days in other countries.

Just enter the site and search for Curlee Wurlee (field at the bottom on the left). And do not forget to order the other pearls released by Butterfly Records!!!
The mini Easter tour in Belgium was really funny, unfortunately, there are no pictures available for you. May be better so, he he!... We met Philippe on the first day and he accompanied us up to the end. We especially enjoyed the gig at La Zone together with Sheetah & les Weissmuller!
On April 20th, you'll be able to listen to Curlee Wurlee! in the internet, live on Radio Charlatan,
Belgium. Or better don't...
April 9th: Radio show for OKB Berlin, Radio C.T. (Uniradio Bochum) and Radio Essen ... broadcast date will appear soon on that page.
April 2nd: The test pressing of SOS Mesdemoiselles has arrived today. Finally, the picture disc will be available very soon!
March 28th: We received Martin Lammert's dissertation and will publish his very nice pictures very soon!!!
March 15th: Cécile's got her dream Hammond organ from eBay!!! Many thanks to Jens Steen who brought it from Berlin and Dirk Reimer who carried it down to the practice room and suddenly vanished in the air like a fairy...
March 13th: Michael's got a new Fender amp from eBay. No space left for the Sonic Dolls, Bratseth, Oiro & GTX in the practice room...
Today we heard from our label boss that the LP (1000 pcs, so to say the vinyl version of "She's a Pest") is sold out. Yoohoo! We congratulate its happy owners!!!
Sorry but we have to postpone the gig on May 30th @ Zum Franziskaner in Berlin Don't worry beloved fans and other kinda freaks, it will definitely take place. Patience!
March 5th - 10:00 PM:
realise they could go on tour again and send a couple of mails to Italy. March 6th: They already got replies of plenty of cool Italian guys. Now everybody is working at it and the tour dates will be available as soon as everything is set up! If you can help, do not hesitate to contact us!!!
"C'est un scoop!" Legendary Merinuk - the master of garage punk covers with 60's flair - is doing the sleeve art for the
picture e.p. You just admired its first draft at the welcome page. "SOS Mesdemoiselles" will be released on Butterfly Records, hopefully in the course of March, and will be sold out even sooner (of course, with such drawings!!!)...
There's a new fanpage called Gimmick!
After www.curleewurlee.de,
's got now www.curleewurlee.com and it sounds much more professional...
goes to the television again, this time nobody knows which the channel will be. What we know is that we'll pay two live songs (will be shot in January at the "Zeche Bochum"), there will be an interview of the band and may be a little bit more... again pure excitment folks!
FRAUKE's baby daughter, CARLA, was born on December 28th and is beautiful! We all wish the little Zensen-Napieraj family lots of love!!!

You're at www.curleewurlee.com