Istanbul used to be called Constantinople, Twix used to be Raider,
CURLEE WURLEE! used to be

but now the world has changed, this is definitely

September 2001: CW gets a new drummer again but this time, this is the f****' right guy: KING ARMIN (Duke of Puke, King Serious, El Papa, etc.) of the amazing beat-band The Heebie Jeebies, the "German Kaisers".
May 29th... Top Girlee Action Pop: Curlee Wurlee's first Long Player "SHE'S A PEST" has
arrived! Yoohoo!!! It was recorded exactly 35 years after the day The Who recorded "My Generation" and "The Kids are Alright". Order it right now at mailorders such as
Soundflat (D), Butterfly Records (E),
Detour Records (UK), Crazy Love Records (D) or Music Selection (US) or at the best record store in your town.
HITS only and a beautiful 6t's design... a rip-off of The Ventures...
Thanks to our friend Yoko Hashimoto without whom you would not find "Cool Na Koi" on the LP.
April 29th: Curlee Wurlee! is being filmed at a gig on April 27th and goes to the Underground Live TV, a German local station. The
show is about Dee Dee Ramone, The Cellophane Suckers, Die Kassierer and Curlee Wurlee!
April 20th, 2001: Curlee Wurlee! goes to the local TV channel WDR, plays play-back and improvises
a funny interview. It might be available at the download section some day.
Pictures and Discography of each Curlee Wurlee under Line-Up and more pictures under Photos
April 2nd: The girls have a new exciting guitarist who's gonna kick you nut...: Ultra sexy teenage idol MICHAEL RODEO on the guitar! He's the real, final and definite Curlee Wurlee! guitar player!!!
April 2nd: Simon also joins for a couple of months.
New guestbook
Exclusive! DOWNLOAD Sexy Songs!!!
April 2001: Two beating party tracks on "The Cretins Wanna Dance", compilation on Swindlebra Recs with The Apers, The Backwood Creatures, The Dirtshakes, The Retarded, Scumbag Roads, The Reekys and Cave 4.
February: "Tu Perds Ton Temps" is released on Larsen Records

You're at www.curleewurlee.com