Michael Roden

Electric Guitar (Fender Telecaster), Song-Writing and Backing Vocals
Born on December 19th, 1978 in Germany in Rock-City n°1 Solingen,
Michael Rodeo is of course 1.78 m tall, extremely sexy and all teens
are in love with him since he left his boys band. Probably because he
plays with Curlee Wurlee since April 2001! Well, Rodeo isn't just a
person, it's also a story... An action-adventure-tale about e.g. small
accidents in the back of expensive, silver cars which stop unexpectedly.
Too unexpectable for a rider whose mind is usually stacked in the far
Wild West (some people pretend he's the son of a Scottish bicycle
repairman...) If you're interested to read more rodeo stories, just
send an e-mail and his monkey will reply immediately. Although he used
to be difficult to educate, Rodeo became a really nice guy in the
meantime and one has a lot of fun with him. Oh yes. Michael does many
ultra exciting things in his life and is ex-vegan, now vegetarian. He
used to play in a hardcore band and can throw 1000 notes per minute out
of his amazing guitar. Actually he's very much sixties oriented, so
nobody really understands him. Also that makes him special. Some people even
believe he's a heavy hyppie but there are only hip-peas in Curlee Wurlee.
Michael is also creative and it is obvious that he can make really
bombastic hits too. He's a super cool poser on stage and people like
to call him Michael Rodeo (and sometimes Hornee Wurlee, Squeak Mike, Graf Cokes or
the Scottish bicycle repairman...) Rodeo is funny, student, is very much into politics and a social
(miracle) worker too... and
he has a secret. And Michael is a two-left-handed super kind and unique fascinating man one used to
rely on!
Other current occupations 2006 next to Curlee Wurlee!:
* Organ and BV with the Golden Helmets
* Guitar with Duo Wir Roden Rosen
* more...

Michael's favourite current bands are: The Hara-Kee-Rees, The Frantic V, The Muffs, Tokyo Sex Destruction, The Libertines, Cool Jerks, Karate, Muff Potter, OIRO, King Khan, The Tremolo Beer Gut, The Yum Yums, Radio 4, The Hives, Doctor Explosion, Avail, Turbonegro, The Faint, Sonic Youth etc.
His favourite bands of the last decades are: The Remains, Refused, The Sonics, ATDI, Gun Club, Richard Hell & the Voidoids, The Jet Bumpers, Not of this Earth & his Booboos, The Milkshakes, The Buzzcocks, Les Sexareenos, The Tie Reds etc.
Releases with other bands:
This part might be completed some day...
Last Update: 2006
Write to HORNEE WURLEE in person:
or better go to the guestbook if you wish to send a message
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You're at www.curleewurlee.com