Feel free to write over here. Katja, his family and friends need your spiritual support.
Thank you.
LISTEN: https://www.facebook.com/ChaputaRec/videos/711735688996391
BUY: available in your favourite records shop.
ORDER: www.chaputa.com, www.moodymonkeyrecords.com, www.cryptrecords.com, www.soundflat.com, www.copasetic.de, etc.
Listen and get it!
It's over.
How nice: Surfing Berliners of The Kilaueas just named their new album after a song of ours called TOUCH MY ALIEN, which Ralf Kilauea contributed to at its time. The album is featuring a really fun version of this song too. This is a huge honour to have a song title become an album title. Waooo. Thank you! Oh, and you can find our "Touch my alien" on our 4th album "Birds & Bees".
And now an indescribable sickness appeared right after our last tour, forcing us to momentarily stop all our activities. We are shell-shocked. 2017 is the worst year in our life.
We are shocked and deeply sad about the loss of our friend and previous drummer ARMIN. There are no words to describe our pain.
Our new EP "C'est Destructif" now out on Chaputa!Records has arrived, yippie! DANCEFLOOR-KILLER they said. Recorded at SWAMPLAND in France by Lo Araignee in person. Wonderful artworks by the one and only Rui Ricardo Illustrator!
And another one:
And here we go with a new video-clip:
We wish you a Happy New Year, all the best and peace in the world! What's new in this year? Check out the gig secion. Plus another single soon. Fantastic artworks by superstar graphic genius. And a dancefloor killer on top. Surprise surprise...
Our new EP "Agents of the Ape" now out on copaseDisques has arrived, yippie!
Our fourth album has arrived! Get it at Moody Monkey Records, Crypt Records or in any good record shop world-wide!!!
Scoop: hot audio samples under soundcloud.com/moodymonkeyrecords
Hurraaay, mix is finished, and label change in the last second. KAI BECKER (The Wrong Society) made an ultra smart cover within a couple of hours. Amazing Kai!
Playing a few gigs and above all: trying to mix that album!
Fall: we're recording at the DUKES OF HAMBURG's headquarters. Yippie.
July: We're playing at the TSUNAMI CLUB in Cologne on July 19th, together with our friends of BEATREVOLVER. Triple birthday bash with cools DJs, cool folks, sexy bands and sexy drinks! Event invitation: www.facebook.com/events/257719564411814. We will start first and early because our bass player gotta catch a plane afterwards.
June: We met again after three months break, and we did plenty of new songs.
March: We have a new guitar player who's doing really fine!
January: Same procedure as every two years: we're looking for a new guitar player. Don't hesitate to write.
Get (almost) all our records at Moody Monkey Records, Crypt Records, Soundflat Mailorder and many more.
We won't release these songs since they sound like crap. May be some day on YouTube or so...
We just recorded 5 new hits in Hamburg... keep tuned!
January: Happy new year. First gigs in 2013 were fun!
Since band pages are hardly getting viewed unless you pay for it, we now have a private FaceBook page: facebook.com/CURLEE.WURLEE.garageville. Welcome!
We've got a new guitar player who's none less than Sir Kilauea of The Kilaueas!!! Since Axel's not in the gang anymore, everybody has to sing now, hey hey...
Goodbye Axel Darling.
VENUES: Unfortunately and after an awful story which made us loose a lot of money we don't even have, miss our album promotion and somehow one year, we are now booking our shows ourselves again, as in the past... so VENUES can contact us under b o o k i n g (AT) c u r l e e w u r l e e (DOT) com
Happy new year! This one starts fine with a new 45 feat. hit single "Married Men" + "Wait" and "Dans le noir" (both unreleased) coming out on Jan 10th on BUTTERFLY RECORDS (Spain) (Check this link). Available as usual in any good record store, or as always online @ MOODY MONKEY, CRYPT RECORDS, SOUNDFLAT MAILORDER, etc. - and of course @ BUTTERFLY RECORDS!
Our new album is also available for download on all main download platforms (e.g. on iTUNES)
New 45 RPM "My brain is empty / You're on your own" (Larsen Records, F) out now. Available as usual in any good record store, or as always online @ CRYPT RECORDS, SOUNDFLAT MAILORDER, etc.
Check this honey! It new, it's hot, it's MOODY MONKEY RECORDS!
New sensational album is available in all cool and crazy record shops worldwide! Just go to your favourite record dealer; you'll make this guy happy! You can also get it online here:
RECORDS (D/in English)
Copasetic (D/in English)
Soundflat Mailorder (D/in English or German)
Munsterama (E/in English or Castellano)
Get Hip (USA/in English)
Sugar and Spice (F/in French)
Butterfly Records (E/in English)
Fuzz Overdose (GR/in English)
13 (D/in English or German)
Rhythm Online (GB/in English)
Crazy Love Records (D/in English or German)
Moskito Mailorder (D/in English or German)
Green Hell (D/in German)
Shiny Beast or Clear Spot (NL/in English)
Larsen (F/in French and English)
Detour Records (GB/in English)
Amazon, WOM, Libri & co. (burp...)
and probably some more.
Also available on all download platforms such as iTunes
Rectification: It is CHÉRIBIBI (Daniel) who wrote the lyrics of "Sailor Girl". We're extremely sorry about the confusion with another situationnist hero of us. Chéribibi is the author of Un Dispensable Manifeste Du Skinhead Situationniste (clever and extremely entertaining), he's running the fantastic fanzine CHÉRIBIBI as well as a very good blog (in French)!
Yeaaah, the album has arrived and looks fabulous! (For those you don't own a record player, also available on download platforms soon. More details will follow...)
New album out on 8th July 2011 (Moody Monkey Records)!!!
Plus an EP (Butterfly Records) and a 7" (Larsen Records) in the run of 2011!!!
Check out CW!'s fave videos (plus some CWs found in the web) here on YOUTUBE
Myspace sucks. Now also available on FACEBOOK.
Check Curlee Wurlee on Reverbnation
We're currently finishing our new album with a potential of 18 songs so far. Keep tuned!
All our current and past band members are listed HERE! Which makes a total of 19 or so... :-)
Since a couple of years, CURLEEWURLEE.COM is almost inactive because of nearly everything going on on MYSPACE. But we come back from time to time to feed it with fresh infos like show dates or new releases.
December 2009: We're backing Benny Gordini on an Arthur Alexander cover song called "Baby Baby" BENNY GORDINI & FRIENDS (Out now on Disques Larsen and available @ Soundflat!)
September 2009: Back to France for a two-weeks-tour. Not everything's confirmed today in April, but you can still check out our tour dates here!
May 2009: We are recording a new album in France at the Larsen Studio's!!! May be there'll be a little gig in-between...
April 2009: Geri is now concentrating on his family, which is a wonderful thing too! Our new bass player is Nelson who also plays with The Love Preachers. Yoohoo!
Sept 30th: CURLEE WURLEE! now on Swiss online TV (Stadt TV Zürich) - incl. LIVE gig parts (after 1 hour sleep and 800 km from Leipzig / Germany... hey hey!) GET READY FOR METZGER-BEAT!
CREDIT: STADT-TV Zürich / Direct link to review
Aug 8th: We will record a BEATSCHAFFE in November. Visit myspace.com/zentralebeatschaffe and freak out!!!
Aug 8th: This site's not really getting updated anymore. You'll still
get sounds and show dates, but better check out
Mar 29th: Holger of the Love Preachers will be replacing Geri on bass in our September tour! (10 years Curlee Wurlee! tour...)
Jan 18th: Yoohoo, we have a new guitar player. This is none less than
allround talent Teen Axel! He's living in London and played guitar with
us during our French tour last year. Hooray, long live Teen Axel! So now we're two Kartoffel and two Frogs in the gang... yippi!
Oh yeah, "dat Pawelchen" is a real guitar hero. He can play with his
teeth, with his neck, he's super cool and sexy! Watch out grrrls!!!
Scooooop: The October shows will be assured by Pawel on guitar! Check out the OCTOBER TOUR DATES under Show Dates.
Aug 4th: Exceptionnal gig feat. special members: Holger-worker-of-the-month (Love Preachers) on bass, Lele Lugosi (ex-Bratseth, Frank Popp Ensemble, Black Cats, etc) on guitar and Miss S for the first time ever on backing vocals!
June 21st: CITY TRASH (magazine for wild&raw rockin' primitive
teens) from Holland (rel. KURIOSA RECORDS) will be available at the
PRIMITIVE FESTIVAL including a Curlee Wurlee! interview (+ Mark &
the Spies, Giant Robots, Krontjong Devils and more exciting stuff) and
featuring Cécilette on front cover.
June 1st: Geri broke his leg... we have to cancel everything in the next three months! Frenglish plague hits again...
May 4th: French tour was fantastic! Pictures online soon!!!
Teen Axel
(Slow Slushy Boys, B-Soul Alstars, Graham Mushnik, Teen Axel Soul
Arkestra, etc) will be playing guitar on April 13th in Düsseldorf and
during the whole French tour! Already tons of fans felt in love with
April: We're looking for a tour van.
March: CD version of the new album out NOW @ www.soundflat.com!!!
Release party will take place this time in home town Düsseldorf at the Pretty Vacant's
Jan: First pictures of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) and Paris available here
Jan 11th: The NEW SHIRTS have arrived and they're superb! You can get them here
Pictures of Neukirch by Katrin Bähnisch, 1st gig with Martin (Hara-Kee-Rees) here
New buttons feat. the picture of "oui oui..." available now!
Record release party @ Tsunami by Oldrik Scholz here now!
The new LP "oui oui..." has arrived!!! ORDER NOW from SOUNDFLAT And comme hully gully with us in Cologne today (Friday, 20th Oct) for the Release Party @ Tsunami Club!!!
October 2006:
COUNTDOWN RUNS: only a couple of days left until the release of the
exciting new album on October 20th on SOUNDFLAT RECORDS! Featuring 17
asskicking hits!!!
August 2006: "L'essence des Sens" out now on Shimmy, Biff Bang Pow! Records vol. 3!!!
19 hits including 17 originals and 2 covers are now recorded and ready to be mixed for the LP!!!
New on Feb 15th: Yeah, since yesterday (Valentine's Day, no wonder!...), Cécile is Hully Gully Girl of the month, together with unique Reverend Beat-Man (who's Hully Gully Boy of the month). Check out the
Hullly Gully Jugend. We say hooray for The Montesas! (by the way, their new LP is coming out very soon on Soundflat Records!!!)
New on Feb 13th: Split EP with the Frantic V
from Thessaloniki is in make. This is gonna be a tribute single to The
Bluebirds, great Greek band from the 60s. The Frantic V play "Sweet
Polly" and we play "Julie" which was recorded by Martin "hara-kee-ree"
Götte on Feb 9th in our rehearsal room. It now has to be mixed and the
EP will be released this fall by On Stage Records!
Jan 17th: We cancelled most of our shows this year. Come-back in October 2006 after the LP release!!!
New on Jan 8th: Radio Q in Münster is proudly presenting the gig @ Gleis 22 on Friday 13th and this is the cool radio trailer they did... listen here
Dec 8th: Pictures of the 3 1/2 hours show at the friendly CarolaBar now available here
Dec 4th: SUPER SCOOP!!! From the forthcoming LP coming out 2006, not mixed yet, "Can't make you mine" and "You're a fake" in exclusivity here!!!
Nov 27th: Pictures of the Kult-o-Mania festival #5 now available here
Achtung: Curlee Wurlee! don't play on Saturday due to Michael Rodeo's skateboard accident
So the program on November 19th (Saturday) @ DJAZZ in Duisburg is
Na Sabine wie sieht es aus in München? + the sexy newcomers from Rockcity Solingen GOLDEN HELMETS i.o. Curlee Wurlee!
New on Nov 2nd:
Check me out!
Oct 22nd, 2005 New EP available right now, for example at our favourite mailorder Soundflat!
Four trashy tunes recorded in a one-afternoon-session at the Larsen
in April 2004 during our French tour by Djan and mixed by Teen
Axel of the Slow Slushy Boys. There are the last recordings with our
previous line-up and you might understand why we've got a new one, ha
ha! You can already listen to one track in our mp3 section before you buy it or not. But be quick: limited at 500 pieces only!!!
Oct 22nd, 2005 Music back in stock in the mp3 section!
CW!WebRadio New on October 7th: Graf Zeppelin, Sohail Rhana, The Link Quartet, The Dovers, Lederhosen Lucil, The Bittersweets, Black Lips.
2nd studio session is planned on November 12th and 13th at the Burning Ears Studio's again with another 8-10 brand new songs.
Studio feedback: We've live-recorded 9 songs (8 originals: Can't make you mine, 20", Il Tu Je, Smith&Wesson, You're a fake, La Languedocienne, Make you cry, Black Guards - and 1 cover: Justine) on Saturday at
the Burning Ears Studio and did the rest on Sunday. It seems that
everybody digs it! Second part will follow in November, then the mix and perhaps the new LP some day...
Unbelievable but true: despite the pure chaos currently haunting the region of Düsseldorf, Solingen and Cologne,
CW! is more living than ever and studio is booked for the first weekend of September (and we've made plenty of ultra moody new songs!...)
So may be you'll finally get the new LP in your hands some day... Specialists pretend "It
will be no comparison to the first LP or singles we know from them:
with a complete new line-up since one year and completely different,
absolutely asskicking songs to drive your girlfriend cry and more girls
fall into your arms. Handkerchief guaranteed for some, more energy than
one can stand for others! All these tunes (hits) probably won't get out
of your head!!!"
Thanks to the specialists...
CW!WebRadio New on August 28th: Downliners Sect, The Remains,
We The People as well as some real fantastic obscure and moody surprises you'll probably find nowhere else, thanks Geri's (The Bluebirds, The Idols, Nelli Manou, The
Vikings, The Girls and The Juniors) and Beatmike's (The Tigermen, The Lazy Eggs, The Underdogs, Black Watch, Mick & The Shambles, Kings Ransom,
Yesterday's Children and Pleasure Seekers) record collections!!!
Wayne Nicholls (38) of THE RAPIERS
and his wife Jackie (33) were killed in a traffic accident near their home in London on Saturday, 18 June. Our deepest
thoughts go out to their family and friends.
A Wayne Nicholls Memorial Fund has been established to help the Nicholls' four children aged three to 15. If you can, make cheques payable to their grand-mother Mrs. Margaret Allen (Wayne's Mum). Please send to:
Mrs. Margaret Allen
c/o 38 Gilpin Crescent
Edmonton, London N18 2XN
Overseas contributors are asked to send International Money Orders. We're trying to get the IBAN/SWIFT codes but you will understand that their mind is currently not at it. Eric Thacker has also established a PayPal account for donations using this address: WayneNichollsFund@blueyonder.co.uk
If you can't, you may listen to one Rapiers track on the CW!WebRadio and light a candle.
BRAND NEW!!! This radio jingle was running on a big Greek pop rock radio station in May, announcing the FRANTIC V / CURLEE WURLEE! gig on May 28th. With Maria's beautiful voice!
CW!WebRadio New and moody on June 23rd: Unrelated Segments ("it's unfair")
June 14th The new shirts and buttons have arrived today and they look pretty cool, so check out the
shop if you're hip!
June 12th OUT NOW!!! The Tribute to Nino Ferrer has arrived too and is
absolutely fabulous!!! (LP, Larsen
Records, France).
Here's a homemade review
First, the cover (the rest follows):
Compiled by Benny Gordini and Fruitee Wurlee in person and featuring the crème de la crème of current 60's influenced bands from Sweden/UK, France/USA, Holland, Germany, Italy and Belgium, interpreting Mirza, Le Monkiss de la Police, Oh! He! Wat! Goed! (in Dutch!!!), Le Téléfon, Je veux être Noir, Rhythm'n'Blues Anti-Bourgeois, Mao et Moa, Le Millionnaire, Les Cornichons, Alexander (in German!!!), Mamadou Mémé (goes Surfin' Bird...), Vomitation, Les hommes à tout Faire, Isabelle and Freak (take a trip).
Side A: Dee Rangers, Sheetah & the Weissmuller, The Waistcoats, The Cool Jerks, The Montesas, Benny Gordini with the Teen Axel Soul Arkestra, Link Quartet, The Thursday's Rhythm & Beat Organization.
Side B: Curlee Wurlee!, The Hara-Kee-Rees, Les Dragueurs, The Maybes, Bomb Texas, The Monocaines, Dutronic, The Gonks.
New on June 12th:
Dr Specs and the optical Illusion, The Movement, Undertakers, The
Hara-Kee-Rees (from the NINO FERRER tribute sampler!!!), The Tickle,
Little Phil & the Night Shadows, The Syn.
June 12th ! The Larsen
Session (4 tracks EP, Larsen Records, France) has just arrived!!!
(session with posthume line-up April 2004, still with Armin on drums
and Judith on bass.) Wonderful 60's cover (by Jessica Walter) and
woodcut illustration by Roman Klonek. But the vinyls have to be removed... more news soon!
June 5th: We just found letter and a CD which was sent to us last
year... these are the pictures of the last concert with Frauke on bass:
at the Komplex in Schwerin on May
1st, 2004
We are ordering new buttons and shirts, so check
out our shop (also
brand new colours!)
And you also can make your own buttons as follows:
The limited edition:
Just ask us for the originals files in 300 dpi!
June 1st: We're just back from Greece and we're
all very moody, since it was absolutely fantastic, thanks lovely KOSTAS
of the FRANTIC
V and all the ultra friendly Greek people, the delicious food and all
the rest! The Tour
Report is already available and may be some video samples of the concerts later, so come back in a while!!!
March 28th: Curlee Wurlee! played in Hamburg on Friday. It seems that
they were still terrorising the town on Sunday, since a member has been
recognised in the very early morning, fully naked in a service station,
ordering boozed refreshment. Various residents reported having found
unknown socks in their house as they woke up and a completely burst
mattress was discovered in the street. Someone was seen with a
cardboard box on his head and a complete district was raving under
northwest beats. Local police officers are still investigating...
March 25th: NEW EP OUT NOW!!!
I had always failed to better introduce you to our "new" members. Here it is: Beat Mike and DJ Geri (this pages are also available under the "line-up" section). Quote: "Since they're in, Curlee Wurlee! sounds different, really asskickin'"
CW!WebRadio New on March 21st: Music Machine, Les 5 Gentlemen (thanks to Jonas Petrini for the mp3!) and Protex. Also new in March: The Phonotones (First take ever of an extremely promising teenie band straight from rockcity n°1 Solingen!
NEW on April 2nd: JEAN MUSY / tribute to Ray Charles (Super Scoop!
Ultra COLLECTOR!!!) and THE MAHARAJAHS, a current, great Swedish band. New on April 11th: Régale-Moi with a cover version of The Damned's New Rose, 1997 (sound and drum computer by Pierre Musy of the Musy Mafia).
March 13th: Aaaaargh! Thank you eBay, thank you Beathotel... VOX Super Continental, now you're MINE, yeah yeah yeah! Welcome to the Sexy Frenglish VOX Sensation, hahahayoohoo!!!
New on 18th Feb 2005: Very short video, quite old actually but such a
great audience! (May 1st, 2003 @ Treibsand in Lübeck at the occasion of
the event "25 years Alternative"): Filetstück,
sample of a very impressive movie by Rolf Schwarz around alternative
activities in the north of Germany and more. And here we have Live Videos (*.wmv* files), quite ancient too (with our OLD
line-up feat. Armin and Judith respectively on drums and bass)
available right now and kindly hosted my Nono le Hool'$ (quite decadent
after-show party, unfortuntely not available): SAMPLES Munsters Theme and Monkey - COMPLETE Teachers, Before you died, Les Cornichons, Justine (feat. King Armin on vocals"!!!), L'essence des Sens, Le Père Noël aux Amphés and Shimmy Shake. Probably not enough guitars but don't forget, that was live with a little camera. Amazing takes by Freddy Boy in April 2004 at the Subsonic's in Montpellier, France
(April 6th, 2004).
You're at www.curleewurlee.com