January 30th
Solingen / Germany: Curlee Wurlee! + King Khan
January 31st
AJZ Bielefeld / Germany:
February 14th
Bochum / Germany:
February 20th
Groove Station
Dresden / Germany:
February 21st
Irish Harp
Wittenberg / Germany:
March 6th
Fucking Independent Festival with SPEX @ Stereo Wonderland in Cologne / Germany: Tarzan Stripes, Curlee Wurlee! and many other fucking independent bands... ATTENTION: CW!'s appearance is cancelled
March 27th Kult Solingen Curlee Wurlee! + The Battledykes
April 3rd Salle de Musiques Actuelles, Cité des Arts Chambéry / France: Curlee Wurlee! + Les Ramoneurs
April 4th Curlee Wurlee! records new smashing hits at the famous LARSEN STUDIO in Chambéry!!!
April 5th Staccato Nice Curlee Wurlee! + Electric Mormonds
April 6th Subsonic Montpellier / France: Curlee Wurlee! + les Sweetie Bananas
April 8th La Machine à Coudre Marseille, France: Miss Helium + Pena + Curlee Wurlee!
April 9th El Mediator Perpignan / France: Curlee Wurlee!
April 10th La Miroiterie Paris XX / France: The Massey Ferguson Memorial + The Creteens + Curlee Wurlee!
April 11th House of Live Paris VIII / France: Curlee Wurlee!
April 16th
Werk II
Leipzig / Germany:
April 17th Kombi Nünchritz Curlee Wurlee!
May 1st Schwerin Punx @ Komplex
Schwerin Germany Curlee Wurlee! and more (two-days "Bierfest" festival!)
May 8th Damen und Herren Düsseldorf / Germany: "The authentic Wurlee Curlee! little freak Show" (Night of the Museums, feat. two original Curlee Wurlee! members...)
Unfortunately, we had to cancel the gigs on May 20th, 21st and 22nd in the north of Germany. We're very sorry about that!
May 29th
Swamp Room Happening
Hannover / Germany:
May 30th: ARMIN's Farewell Party, his last CW gig ever!!! As always, be there or be square...
Kassel / Germany: Curlee Wurlee!
May 30th-May 31st-June 1st Mini BOAT tour from Swinemunde (PL) to Copenhagen (DK) and back: Die Tornados, Curlee Wurlee!, Crushing Caspars
and 138 live just for you! 1500 litres free beer! CANCELLED!
July 9th Hi Club Stuttgart, Germany
July 10th Waldstock Festival, Pegnitz/Oberfranken, Germany
feat. Peppermint Betties, Gott & die Welt, The Audience, Los Aarones, Curlee Wurlee!, Broken Beats, Kool Ade Acid Test, The Go Faster Nuns
August 14th Star Club Mülheim, Germany: Prangles + Curlee Wurlee! (that's Fruitee Wurlee's birthday!)
August 28th
The Pit's Kortrijk (Courtrai) / Belgium:
August 29th Bruxelles, Belgium: Curlee Wurlee!, Fifty Foot Combo, Sheetah & The Weissmuller, etc.: Cancelled!
October 20th Tsunami Club Cologne / Germany:
October 21st Molodoi Strasbourg / France:
From November'04 - Dear bookers: unfortunately lack of time, so no gigs for the moment.
You're at www.curleewurlee.com