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Dummerweise weiß ich den Namen nicht mehr. Aber wer nen Tipp hat, der wird auch belohnt. Irgendwie... Mh, wie war der Sound? Okay, stellt euch mal vor The White Stripes würden nur noch Sounds a la "Fell In Love With A Girl" machen. Statt Mr. White singt ne Mrs. White und sie sind zu viert. Verdammt war das ein durchgedrehter Sound. Eines ihrer Lieder hieß Mietzekatze, das wusste ich noch...Wuha
Antwort: Die heissen Curlee Wurlee und alle Infos und MP3s findest du hier: Grüsse.
Referencia: CDEP 002 Compuesto por 4 canciones. 2 por cada grupo.
En la cara A atacan DIE TORNADOS con "Poupée de cire poupée de son" y "La farce". La primera mezclando sonidos de viento con farfisa, y ensamblándonos en unos toques cercanos al SKA. La segunda tiene todas las connotaciones SKA. Una mezcla entre Selecter, Specials y los primeros Madness, pero con voz femenina. Y qué voz!!". En la cara B, espacio para CURLEE WURLEE. El primer tema, que tiene un título muy sencillo; "Morgen nehme ich dein foto von der wand", se trata de un temazo farfísicoFuzztónico en toda regla. Ellas NUNCA defraudan, y aquí evidentemente tampoco. La segunda canción que nos ofrecen es "Miezekatze", con un riff sónico muy en la onda Unchainedmyheártico, pero con farfisa y guatequeo a grandes dosis. El vinilo es de color rosa y le acompaña un inserto con la letra de las canciones.
El track list:
1- Poupée de cire poupée de son (DIE TORNADOS)
2- La farce (DIE TORNADOS)
3- Morgen nehme ich dein foto von der wand (CURLEE WURLEE)
4- Miezekatze (CURLEE WURLEE)
"Bold" that found Friday in whether antj' to go in live the Stranglers or the Madrugada e'zisan one unique evenings. The Curlee Wurlee proved that it is an incredibly kefa'ti, full of humour and energy mpa'nta while Greek Frantic V gave better eayto'! The Evenings it began with their Frantic V that as koyarte'to this time (regularly it is five - as implies their name a'llwste) and with the enchanting Lia in the keys at the place of Dr Organ, in the body Farfisa, made that could in order to prompts the very little assisting world (less from 100 individuals) begins dances also him accomplished a joy. With a lot of dynamic paj'xjmo and enough mirth, they interpreted enough pieces as "Good Lovin'", "Close Your Evas" and "I'm Asking Why" from their debut A Long Play With..., their new songs, but also adaptations between which "For Your Love of" Yarbirds and the "Midnight Hour of" Wilson Picket/Stiv Cropper. With the appearance ayti'.to the garage rock group proved that it allocates very tied up paj'xjmo, authentic ` 60s sound, faculty to create particular atmosphere and that it is from leading type in Greece. He is not accidental a'llwste that in the past Frantic V have given achieved concerts out of Greece and have circulated singles and have participated in collections in labels abroad. After the Frantic V, Curlee Wurlee entered the stage. How can the group with the strange name from Germany be unknown in our country, this however by no means him did not prevent to gain immediately the public. Dynamic punk pop with elements of ' their 60s songs, that occasionally reminded Supergrass, were particularly attractive ' and in combination with frantic mirth that had all the members of group, changed the evening into a party. With their head the mjkrokamwme'ni French Cécile that sings and plays keys, koyarte'to that it reminded cartoons, it made that it was possible in order to it pulls our attention. From their one guitarist kneeled often densely and played almost laid down in the scene, and from other Cécile dancing frantically while simultaneously playing keys and singing. In some moment where the drummer regulated bent his drums, Cécile did not hesitate it removes tsatsa'ra and it begins htenj'zej(!!!) while when the tendency of members of group for havale' reached in her apex, then drummer it was raised by his place, to begin to play upright but also gone up above in the drums, while the guitarist sate for little in the place of the drummer and more generally in the duration of concert was evolved scenes that only in cartoons you meet or that the palavo' humour of Monty Python could only arrest. And because such frantic situations very with difficulty are described, you might click the photographs right in order to you see what precisely became. Also it should it is marked that the singer of group made often humour and to us spoke enough times Greek with her beloved word be “malakas”!. Really the Curlee Wurlee are a group that apart from a lot kefa'ti music, allocates also explosive temperament, a lot of humour, and atelej'wti appetite for havale'. All these together contribute in they are changed live their in frantic party that CES it finishes. Really it can were found few in whether Friday that to us passed, however should not no one leave dissatisfied after Frantic V were very good and the Curlee Wurlee us astonished with their kefa'ta pop punk pieces that flerta'royn with ' 60s other ' and with their well meant palavi' scenic presence. The group "strikes" again in few days with our exclusive interview in site.
Dimitris Argyropoulos
Read it in Greek and look at the pictures here: ROCK'N'ROLL
Source: Soundflat
Source: Sascha @ TRIGGERFISH
Source: Love Fifteen
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