Holger Kremer
Nelson - Jan 2013

Bass guitar and backing vocals
That's Nelson!

Nelson had already played once with CW! in 2007 for a replacement, and started playing with CW! FOR EVER in 2008. Yippie.

Nelson looks like an eternal student. He is actually a computer nerd and a joker (he loves telephone gags and that kinda stuff). Seriously: Nelson is really a nice and extremely guy you can rely on, and he's helping with talent everywhere he can.

Nelson is fun, doesn't have a driving licence and plays a warm and wonderful bass sound.

Nelson had great bands in the past (Soul Preachers) and started playing with The Gee Strings at the beginning of 2016. That's OK because they're good friends ;-)

Releases with:


- Agents of the Ape - 3-tracks EP (copaseDisques, 2016 / D)

- Birds and Bees – 14-tracks LP (Moody Monkey Records, 2016 / D)

- Married Men – 3-tracks EP (Butterfly Records, 2013 / E)

- My brain is empty - 7" (Larsen, 2012 / F)

- Curlee Wurlee Likes Milk – 14-tracks LP (Moody Monkey Records, 2011 / D)

For more, check out the Discography in the menu on your left.

That section will be updated soon.

First and last Update: 2016

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